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Book & Library Fair, 24 - 25th September 2015, Sweden

30 September 2015 / Exhibition news

Welcome to the jungle – we’ll show you the way!

Our theme at this year's fair was the signs of nature with both wolves, rabbits, happy birds and trees, all highlighting media in various forms in the best way possible.  Several of the shown news as display towers in birch veneer for stand-alone placement or placed against a wall functioned both as exhibition space and front display.

Small smart display stands in various sizes to lift and tilt the viewing titles the best way and book cradles in acrylic with glass look aroused great interest and will shortly be presented in our web shops.

ShowIt display elements with box and bar in white with Virrvarr laminate on top served as excellent meeting and display area while Happy Bird attracted many visitors to the fair to both smile and testing to sit on.

Two happy visitors won display stands of their own choice and brought two rabbits back home.

We thank everyone who visited our booth and wish you all welcome back in 2016!